R&D in RED.

Related RR's ReseaRch papeRs
- Tabandeh S.; Miličević, K. et al. Sensor network metrology: Current state and future directions. Measurement: Sensors 2025, 101798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2024.101798
- Vedurmudi A.P.; Miličević, K. et al. Automation in sensor network metrology: An overview of methods and their implementations. Measurement: Sensors 2025, 101799. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2024.101799
- Vidaković, M.; Miličević, K. Performance and Applicability of Post-Quantum Digital Signature Algorithms in Resource-Constrained Environments. Algorithms 2023, 16, 518. https://doi.org/10.3390/a16110518
- Vidaković, M.; Vinko, D. Hardware-Based Methods for Electronic Device Protection against Invasive and Non-Invasive Attacks. Electronics 2023, 12, 4507. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12214507
- Miličević, K.; Tolić, I.; Vinko, D.; Horvat, G. Blockchain-Based Concept for Digital Transformation of Traceability Pyramid for Electrical Energy Measurement. Sensors 2022, 22, 9292. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22239292
successful pRojects
Proud of our successful projects and thankful to the partners!
SBS Uncert - Support for standardisation of sample-by-sample waveform uncertainty computation
Electrical waveforms, used to describe dynamic processes, are important measurement quantities for many communities. The communication sector, i.e., 5G and 6G suppliers, as well as the power grid industry, and metrology institutions in general require stardardised full-waveform-based data processing. So far, only parameter-based measurement quantities like the rise time of an oscilloscope are defined in international standards, even though it is well known that the parametric description is not unambiguous. Moreover, for complex measurement scenarios, a reliable uncertainty estimation and propagation is only possible by an approach based on full waveforms.
NGI TrustChain MorphMetro
Secure and privacy-preserving exchange and analysis of measured data based on homomorphic encryption
MorphMetro has received funding from the Next Generation Internet Initiative (NGI) within the framework of the NGI TrustChain project.
MorphMetro aims to create an open-source solution for secure data exchange and analysis in quality assurance across various industries. The project focuses on developing a system for the secure, privacy-preserving transfer and analysis of measured data, utilizing emerging technologies and standards.
The project addresses the lack of a universally accepted protocol for structuring and disseminating measurement data. It seeks to ensure data security and privacy, especially when measured data contains Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and to comply with metrology regulations and standards.
More details: https://morphmetro.eu/
FunSNM - Fundamental principles of sensor network metrology
Random Red is participating in the EURAMET project "22DIT02 FunSNM - Fundamental principles of sensor network metrology".
More details: https://www.funsnm.eu/
Sensor networks are used in many fields but are struggling with data quality of varying degrees, with unknown measurement uncertainty and lack of traceability to the SI, limiting their applicability. To overcome these issues, this project will address the metrological aspects of generic sensor networks, covering uncertainty propagation, data quality metrics and SI-traceability. In addition, this project will cover the assessment, infrastructure, and risk analysis of distributed sensor networks alongside software frameworks by developing automated applications. The applicability of the methods, tools, and concepts will be demonstrated in typical real-world sensor networks.
This work has received funding from the European Partnership on Metrology, co-financed by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme and by the Participating States.
EBSI Early Adopter Programme
Random Red Ltd. has been chosen to participate in Tier A of the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) Early Adopters Programme with our metrology-oriented services.
If you are interested in collaboration, feel free to contact us.
THE VISION - Our project aims to leverage blockchain technology to improve the verification processes in legal metrology. This includes the calibration and testing of measuring instruments, the issuance and verification of credentials for laboratories and legal entities, and the facilitation of cross-border verification of these credentials. By utilizing EBSI's capabilities, the project intends to streamline these processes, reduce bureaucratic overhead, and increase transparency and trust across member states.
Machine learning model in financial sector
Random Red has developed a model that predicts the probability of late payments for loans and credit cards and segments the accounts into different risk categories. Random Red's skills, professionalism, and work efficiency are commendable. While working, they have carefully taken care of the needs and requirements of our company, applying new creative solutions. We are looking forward to our collaboration in the future as well.
NGI Trublo Metroracle
(The Metroracle project ended in April 2023)
Blockchain oracles compliant to metrology standards
Although various concepts exist for applying the blockchain technology to “real-world” data, there is a remaining weakness of the starting point, i.e. the question is – how to ensure that data measured by IoT devices is trustworthy, not tampered with, not erroneous, not fake?
To answer this question the project Metroracle focuses on adopting well-defined metrology standards and goals of digital transformation of metrology for use in IoT applications supported by blockchain technology.
Consulting and research
Random Red delivered their consulting and research work for Sedmi odjel in accordance with the agreement, with a maximum professional approach and in timely manner. We can highly recommend Random Red for their professionalism and we hope we'll have the opportunity to cooperate with Kruno and Davor in the future.
Technical Consulting and Analysis
Technical Consulting and Analysis carried out for H&MV Engineering included:
- Providing expert advice on power grid configurations and their performance in the presence of components generated by nonlinear and time-variant devices.
- Using measured data and technical specifications to inform the analysis and recommendations, and compiling detailed technical findings into a comprehensive report for client use.
the E in RED is foR Education
UPDATE (Future Powered by Artificial Intelligence)
Random Red conducted education in the field of artificial intelligence in Osvit Business Incubator. The education is held as part of the UPDATE (Future Powered by Artificial Intelligence) project financed by the Croatia-Serbia Interreg program. We are teaching Scratch and Python programming applied to autonomous educational robots where learners can experience math, physics, and AI technology in a cutting-edge and inspiring way.